After School Clubs
Charles Hay's after school clubs are offered each semester for 6 weeks, and run for one hour after school.
Current After School Clubs
Clubs run from 9/11- 10/13.
Clubs are FREE this round due to money raised during the Fun Run fundraiser last fall. Thank you families for supporting wellness at Hay! First come first serve. Clubs are limited to 20 students.
Please check back periodically for updated information about after-school club opportunities.
Cougar Weekly Newsletters will also include information and registration about new club opportunities.
Previous Clubs Charles Hay has hosted-
Cardboard Creations Club-Learn about the ways we can reuse and renew products and why recycling is so important. The members of the Recycle club will collect different items to upcycle them into new inventions and creations.
Coding Breakfast Club-We will explore different ways to use technology. Students will learn about creating movies, music and more. Students will also learn how to program and code robots and more.
Makerspace Masters Club-Come to the STEM/Makerspace and learn fun ways to use the new tools we have in the Makerspace area. We will create new projects each week to learn how to use the materials to build something new. We will build, sew and cut-out new designs to become a master at the new tools.
Legos! Morning Media Club-We will explore different ways to use technology to create media for our school. Students will learn about creating movies, music and more in this fun morning media club. We will explore different ways to use technology to create media for our school. Students will learn about creating movies, music and more in this fun morning media club.
Basketball Club-Stay after school to play basketball! Continue to practice offensive and defensive skills and strategies of basketball during half-court game play.
Rugby Club- Come learn more about how to play rugby with our local trained professional rugby players from the Glendale Raptors! All kids were exposed to this fun non-traditional sport in PE last November and had a blast. (NOTE: this is flag rugby, no tackling!)
Run Club-Stay after school to get your heart pumping with your friends and run as many laps as you can! For every mile ran, you will earn a colorful foot charm of your choice to add to your bracelet. Run Club was a big hit last year and will be sure to fill up quick, so sign up today. Don't miss out on the one of the coolest ways to get fit!
Crochet Club- Come discover your hidden talent of crochet with Mrs. Pino. Crochet uses one hook or needle and yarn to create a yarn craft. We will be learning and practicing basic stitches and taking a look at patterns and online resources to practice at home! I hope to see you here!
Food Action Club-Students in this club will enhance their knowledge of healthy food choices, learn about food insecurity and food waste, and consider the role food plays in our community. Working with students from the University of Denver, club participants will consider ways to take positive action at Charles Hay and beyond.
Garden Club-Students will learn gardening basics by starting This club will create fun and unique and caring for a variety of flowers, herbs and collages. Each week we will use different vegetable seeds. At the last club meeting materials to make artistic creations. Students in students will take some seedlings home and grades k-6 are welcome to join and make special remaining seedlings will be transplanted to a collages. Charles Hay plot at a community garden.
Morning Movement Club- Research has shown that students that get their bodies moving (and blood/oxygen flowing to brain) in the morning before classes, improve their academic scores! Get your kids moving in the AM with popular PE games, relay races, and other fun activities!